In accordance with the Toyota 5 year/Unlimited mile corrosion warranty, The Braun Corporation war- rants to the purchaser of its Rampvan conversion WKDWWKHPHWDOIDEULFDWLRQRQRURIWKHIUDPHÁRRU and lowered door extension are free from defects in material and factory workmanship for a period of 5 years with unlimited miles. The Braun Corporation further warrants to the purchaser that the remainder

RIWKHPRGLÀFDWLRQVDQGDOWHUDWLRQVIRUDVVRFLDWHG parts are free from defects in material and work- manship for a period of 3 years or 36,000 miles, ZKLFKHYHUFRPHVÀUVW)RUFODULÀFDWLRQSXUSRVHV the following chart outlines The Braun Corporation Rampvan warranty coverage. Refer to your Toyota warranty information booklet for all Toyota OEM (factory) limited warranty details.

Years/Miles in Service

Specific Area Covered

3Year with

Unlimited Miles


Rampvan ramp, door and associated structural components

Rampvan electrical components including but not limited to switches, wires, connectors and the controller

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Braun 32899 Rev A manual Warranty, Years/Miles in Service Specific Area Covered