on lock








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2 ∆ÚÈÏfi Û‡ÛÙËÌ· ͢ڛÛÌ·ÙÔ˜

3 ¢ÈÏfi Û‡ÛÙËÌ· ͢ڷÊÈÒÓ

4 ∫fiÊÙ˘ ÁÈ· Ì·ÎÚȤ˜ ÙÚ›¯Â˜ («trimmer»)

5 ¢È·ÎfiÙ˘ ÎÏ›‰ÒÌ·ÙÔ˜ «lock»

6 ¢È·ÎfiÙ˘ ·ÓÔȯÙfi/ÎÏÂÈÛÙfi

7§˘¯Ó›· ¯·ÌËÏ‹˜ ÊfiÚÙÈÛ˘ (ÎfiÎÎÈÓÔ) (ÌÛÓÔ 5316/5315)

8§˘¯Ó›· ÊfiÚÙÈÛ˘ (Ú¿ÛÈÓÔ)

9 ¶Ú›˙· Ù˘ Û˘Û΢‹˜

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µ·Ù¿˙: 5 Watt

µÔÏÙ¿˙ ÊfiÚÙÈÛ˘: 12–240 V2/ 50 ‹ 60 Hz (·˘ÙfiÌ·ÙË Ú‡ıÌÈÛË)

∂›Â‰Ô Î·Ï‡ÙÂÚ˘ ıÂÚÌÔÎÚ·Û›·˜: 15 ºC ˆ˜ 35 ºC


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Braun 5315, 5312, 5314 manual ∂Ïïëóèî·, £fiÚÙÈÛË Ù˘ Ì˯·Ó‹˜

5315, 5312, 5314 specifications

Braun has long been synonymous with quality grooming products, and its series of electric shavers, specifically the Braun 5314, 5312, and 5315 models, showcase the brand's commitment to innovation and precision shaving. These models have been designed to cater to the needs of various users, providing an effective and comfortable experience.

One of the standout features of the Braun 5314, 5312, and 5315 is their advanced shaving technology. Each model is equipped with a three-flex head that adapts to the contours of the face, ensuring that every hair is captured for a close shave. This technology not only enhances efficacy but also minimizes discomfort and irritation on the skin.

In addition to their ergonomic design, these models feature specialized cutting elements, including the dual-action shaving system. This system incorporates both foil and cutting blades, working in tandem to cut hair at varying lengths. This versatility is particularly beneficial for individuals with different hair types or those who prefer specific grooming styles.

Battery life is another area where Braun excels. The 5314, 5312, and 5315 models boast a quick charging feature that enables users to enjoy up to 50 minutes of cordless shaving after just an hour of charging. For those forgetful moments, a five-minute quick charge option offers one full shave, ensuring users are never caught unprepared.

Furthermore, these models shine in the realm of maintenance and hygiene. They come equipped with a cleaning station that uses automatic cleaning technology to keep the blades in optimal condition. This cleaning station not only washes the shaver but also lubricates the blades, enhancing their longevity and performance.

The Braun 5314, 5312, and 5315 also embrace modern conveniences with their easy-to-read LED indicators. These indicators provide users with clear information on battery life and maintenance needs, ensuring an optimal grooming experience every time.

Lastly, Braun's commitment to skin safety is evident in these shaver models. They incorporate skin-sensitive features that keep irritation at bay, making them suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin.

In conclusion, the Braun 5314, 5312, and 5315 electric shavers embody the brand's dedication to innovative grooming solutions. With their advanced shaving technologies, user-friendly features, and commitment to skin safety, these shavers are ideal choices for anyone looking to elevate their grooming routine. Whether you’re a seasoned shaver or a newcomer, the Braun series promises precision, comfort, and convenience in every use.