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Vario plus steam

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Page 59
Image 59
Braun SI 18.895, SI 18.896 manual ∞˘ÙfiÌ·ÙË ‰È·ÎÔ‹ ÏÂÈÙÔ˘ÚÁ›·˜, ∂ ¶ÚÔÛٷ٢ÙÈÎfi ˘Ê·ÛÌ¿ÙˆÓ, Vario plus steam, ÙÂÁÓfi Ûȉ¤ÚˆÌ·

SI 18.895, SI 18.830, SI 18.720, SI 18.890, SI 18.896 specifications

Braun, a pioneer in the field of home appliances, offers an impressive range of steam irons, including the SI 18.896, SI 18.890, SI 18.720, SI 18.830, and SI 18.895 models. Each of these irons is designed to provide efficiency and outstanding performance, ensuring that laundry days are less of a chore.

The Braun SI 18.896 is well-regarded for its precision and powerful steam output. This model features a unique 3D soleplate, which enhances gliding on all fabric types while providing optimal steam distribution. The anti-drip system prevents water stains on clothes, making it a reliable choice for delicate fabrics. Additionally, its adjustable temperature settings cater to various clothing materials, providing versatility.

The SI 18.890 stands out with its Eco mode, allowing users to save energy without compromising on performance. The steam boost feature offers extra power, making it easy to tackle even the toughest creases. This model emphasizes user comfort with a lightweight design and ergonomic handle, ensuring fatigue-free handling during prolonged use.

Next in the lineup is the Braun SI 18.720, which offers innovative technology with its Optimal Temperature feature. This system automatically adjusts the temperature and steam output according to the fabric type, eliminating the guesswork involved in ironing. Users can confidently move between different textiles without the fear of scorching, thanks to this intelligent feature.

The SI 18.830 is crafted for the modern user, with a sleek design and advanced steam technology. It produces a continuous steam output that penetrates fabrics deeply for a wrinkle-free finish. The vertical steam function is perfect for hanging garments, curtains, or upholstery, adding to its versatility. Furthermore, the easy-to-fill water tank makes it convenient for longer ironing sessions.

Lastly, the SI 18.895 boasts a robust construction and an impressive steam shot capability. The ceramic soleplate not only ensures smooth gliding but also provides superior durability. This model includes a self-cleaning feature that helps maintain performance over time. Users can enjoy a hassle-free ironing experience thanks to the smart features that Braun integrates into its designs.

Together, these models exemplify Braun's commitment to innovation and quality, catering to a wide range of ironing needs. Whether it's for everyday wear or special occasion garments, these steam irons simplify the process and deliver professional results.