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Page 24
Image 24
Braun WK 308 manual Περιγρα, Πριν απ, Λειτ, Καθαρισµ, Αυτ

WK 308 specifications

The Braun WK 308 is a versatile and efficient electric kettle that represents the perfect blend of functionality and design. Known for its sleek modern aesthetics, the WK 308 not only complements your kitchen decor but also becomes a reliable companion for your daily hot beverage needs.

One of the standout features of the Braun WK 308 is its rapid boiling capability. Equipped with a powerful 2200-watt heating element, this kettle can bring water to a boil in a matter of minutes. This efficiency is particularly beneficial for those on the go, allowing you to quickly prepare hot drinks, instant meals, or even boil water for cooking.

Safety is a top priority for Braun, and the WK 308 comes with a number of innovative safety features. The kettle is designed with an automatic shut-off mechanism that activates once the water reaches boiling point, preventing overheating and ensuring user safety. Furthermore, the kettle has a dual safety system that includes a lid that locks securely in place while the kettle is in use.

Another notable characteristic of the WK 308 is its large capacity, holding up to 1.7 liters of water. This ample size makes it ideal for preparing multiple servings of tea or coffee at once, making it perfect for families or gatherings. The kettle’s spout is designed for precise pouring, which minimizes splashing and spills, adding to the overall user experience.

The WK 308 features a 360-degree base, allowing for easy access from any angle. This is particularly useful in busy kitchens where space may be limited. Additionally, the kettle comes with a removable and washable limescale filter, ensuring that your beverages remain free from impurities and enhancing the overall taste of your hot drinks.

In terms of design, the Braun WK 308 sports a contemporary look with a brushed stainless steel exterior, giving it a robust and elegant appearance. Its ergonomic handle is comfortable to grip, and the kettle’s lightweight design makes it easy to lift and pour.

Overall, the Braun WK 308 electric kettle is a perfect combination of performance, safety, and style. With its rapid boiling capabilities, generous capacity, and modern features, it is a worthwhile addition to any kitchen, appealing to both functionality and aesthetic sensibilities. Whether you are a tea enthusiast or simply need hot water quickly, the WK 308 rises to the occasion with ease.