
Chocolate and peanut cake

2 teaspoons white vinegar
1/2cup milk
1 cup self-raising flour
1/2cup caster sugar
1/4cup cocoa
1/4teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
1 x 60g egg
60g butter, melted
2/3cup cream
1 tablespoon icing sugar
1 Scorched Peanut Bar, crumbled
1. Preheat the frypan on
‘High Sear’ setting.
2. Grease and lightly flour a 20cm round cake pan.
3. Add the vinegar to the milk, mix well and allow
to stand for 5 minutes.
4. Sift flour, sugar, cocoa and soda into a mixing
bowl. Add the egg, butter and milk mixture. Mix
with an electric beater to form a smooth batter.
5. Pour the batter into the prepared tin and smooth
the top.
6. Place the cake on a small wire rack in the frypan,
cover with the lid, with the vent closed, and cook
for 40 minutes or until cooked when tested.
7. Remove from frypan and allow cake to stand for
2-3 minutes before then turning onto a wire rack.
Cool completely.
8. Just before serving, whip the cream and fold in
the crumbled peanut bar. Cut the cake in half
horizontally. Spread the cream mixture overover the
cut surface of the bottom layer, place the cut
surface of the top cake layer onto the cream. Lightly
dust the top surface of the cake with icing sugar.