Makes 8-12 serves
125g butter, softened
¼ cup caster sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
2 x 60g eggs
½ cup/125ml cup milk
2 cups/300g self-raising flour
1. Assemble the Kitchen Wizz™ Food
Processor using the processing blade.
2. Place butter, sugar and vanilla into
processing bowl. Process until well creamed.
3. While motor is running, add eggs one at
a time down the food chute, mixing well
after each addition.
4. Place milk and flour into the processing
bowl and process using Pulse button
until well mixed.
Do not over process.
5. Pour mixture into two greased and lined
18cm sandwich pans or one 28cmx 18cm
lamington pan. Bake in a preheated
oven at 180ºC for 25-30 minutes or until
cooked when tested.
variations – In Step 2 add to the creamed
butter and sugar:
• Lemon: 1 tablespoon grated lemon zest
• Chocolate: 1½ tablespoons cocoa
• Coffee: 1 tablespoon coffee powder
Makes 12-16 serves
2 cups/300g self-raising flour, sifted
Pinch of salt
2 tablespoons butter
¾-1 cup milk
½ cup/75g self-raising flour, extra
Extra milk, for brushing
1. Assemble Kitchen Wizz™ Food
Processor using the Dough blade.
2. Place flour, salt and butter into the
processing bowl. Process until butter is
absorbed into flour.
3. With the motor running, slowly add
sufficient milk through the food chute
until dough forms into a ball. Do not
over process.
4. Remove dough ball and lightly knead
on a lightly flour dusted surface. Press
dough out gently with hands to about
2cm thickness.
5. Using a 4cm scone cutter, dip cutting
edge into the extra flour and cut 12
scone shapes from the dough. If desired
re-knead left-over dough, press out and
cut extra scone shapes.
6. Place scone shapes close together in a
lightly greased 28cm x 18cm lamington
pan and lightly brush tops with a little of
the extra milk.
7. Bake scones in a preheated oven at
250ºC for 12-15 minutes or until cooked
and golden brown.
8. Place scones onto a cooling rack and
cover with a clean tea towel.
Serve warm with jam and whipped cream .
variation - Pumpkin Scones: In Step 3
substitute ½ cup milk with ½ cup ma shed
The quantity of milk may vary due to
different types of flour.