The Home Standby Generator is equipped with an exercise timer that will start and exercise the generator once every seven days. During this exercise period, the unit runs for approximately 20 minutes and then shuts down. Electrical load transfer DOES NOT occur during the exercise cycle (unless an utility power outage occurs).

A switch on the control panel is labeled “Set Exercise” (see page 7). On the specific day and time the switch is pressed, the control board is programmed. This date and time is then used to automatically initiate the generator exercise cycle.

To perform the Set Exercise procedure:

1.Choose day and time you want Home Standby Generator to exercise.

2.On that day and time, set AUTO/OFF/MANUAL switch to OFF position.

3.Press and hold down “Set Exercise” switch for two seconds.

4.Set AUTO/OFF/MANUAL switch to AUTO. “Set Exercise” is complete.

For example, if you press the “Set Exercise” switch on Sunday morning at 10:00 AM, the unit will run an exercise cycle the following Sunday at 10:00 AM (+/- 1 hour).

NOTE: “Set Exercise” will only work if the unit is in the Automatic mode and this exact procedure is followed.

If you want to change the day and time the unit exercises, simply perform the “Set Exercise” procedure at the day and time you want it to take place.


Before placing the Home Standby Generator into service, inspect the entire installation carefully. Ensure that any scratches or broken paint on the inside or outside of the enclosure are touched up with the supplied paint.

Complete the ”Installation Checklist” as you make the inspection. Ensure all items have been filled-in and all signatures have been obtained. Instruct the owner to mail the white copy to:

Briggs & Stratton Power ProductsWarranty RegistrationP. O. Box 1144Milwaukee, WI 53201-1144