Brocade Network Advisor Installation and Migration Guide 13
Headless installation 1
Performing a headless installation on Windows and UNIX systemsTo perform a headless installation through the CLI, download the software (refer to “Downloading
the software” on page 8).
•For Windows systems, complete the following steps:
1. Open a Command Prompt and execute this command:
install.exe -i silent -DHEADLESS_CONFIG_MODE="false”
2. From the Install_Home/bin directory, execute this command:
configwizard.bat “-DHEADLESS_CONFIGURATION=Property_File” “-DHEADLESS=true”
where Property_File is the absolute path of the headless installation property file.
•For UNIX systems, complete the following steps:
1. Open a UNIX shell and execute this command:
sh install.bin -i silent -DHEADLESS_CONFIG_MODE="false”
2. From the Install_Home/bin directory, execute this command:
sh configwizard “-DHEADLESS_CONFIGURATION=Property_File” “-DHEADLESS=true”
where Property_File is the absolute path of the headless installation property file.
The application installs in silent mode using default settings.
To configure the application, refer to one of the following sections:
•If this is a fresh installation, refer to “Network Advisor Configuration” on page 17.
•If you are upgrading from a previous version and need to migrate data, refer to “Data
Migration” on page 43.
Troubleshooting the Linux headless installation If you have completed all of the pre-Installation requirements and you are still unable to install the
application, run the following commands on the host.
1. Go to Install_Home/ (the directory containing install.bin).
2. Execute strace -f -F -v -s 1024 -o NetworkAdvisorinstall.txt ./install.bin.
3. Execute rpm -qa >> system.txt.
4. Execute ps -elf >> system.txt.
5. Execute md5sum install.bin >> system.txt.
6. Execute df -k >> system.txt.
7. Execute sh -c "xterm -e echo nothing >> system.txt 2>&1".
8. Execute env >> system.txt.
9. Execute sh -c "DISPLAY=:0.0 xterm -e echo nothing >> system.txt 2>&1".
10. Execute zip NetworkAdvisorinstall.txt system.txt.
Send the file output from the above (containing install.txt and system.txt) to
Technical Support. This file will help Technical Support isolate the issue.