Brocade Network Advisor Installation and Migration Guide 37
Smart Card driver installation 2
3. If there is an existing pcscd script in this directory, you can move and rename this file before
you overwrite it.
> mv /etc/init.d/pcscd /etc/init.d/
4. Create a soft link using the following command.
> ln –s /opt/pcsc/pcscctl /etc/init.d/pcscd
The existing script in this directory implies that a different driver version exists. You
can compare the existing one with the one under /opt/pcsc/pcscd/sbin. If the size is different
and the existing pcscd script contains the following information, you must clean up the driver
configuration. The example below shows a different script and how to do the
configuration cleanup. The configuration level is 2345, the start priority is 25, and the stop
priority is 88.
> more /etc/init.d/pcscd
# pcscd Starts the pcscd Daemon
# chkconfig: 2345 25 88
5. Remove the existing pcscd start priority file by deleting the file as SNNpcscd, where NN is the
start priority. For example, from the preceding step, the file name is S25pcscd.
> find /etc/. –name “S25pcscd” –exec rm {} \; -print
> sync;sync;sync
> reboot
After the reboot, the new configuration from the /opt/pcsc/pcscctl file should be under the
/etc/rc2.d, /etc/rc3.d, /etc/rc4.d, and /etc/rc5.d directories.
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Jul 28 01:50 S94pcscd -> ../init.d/pcscd
6. For the remote client, ensure that the Smart Card native library is linked to the one under
> cd /
> find . –name* -print
If the library* exists in multiple locations, you must ensure that there is only one
library under /lib or /usr/lib, and that it is linked to the library on /opt/pcsc/lib correctly. For
example, to find a copy of the library on /lib, use the following commands.
> cd /lib
> ls –al
If a copy of the library exists, either remove it or save it as a backup.
To find a copy of the library on /usr/lib, use the following commands.
> cd /usr/lib
> ls –al
Use this copy for the soft link.
> ln –s /opt/pcsc/lib/ /usr/lib/.