File type 3
You can choose from the following list of file types when saving to a folder.
Windows Bitmap (*.bmp)
JPEG (*.jpg)
TIFF - Uncompressed (*.tif)
TIFF - Compressed (*.tif)
TIFF Multi-Page - Uncompressed (*.tif)
TIFF Multi-Page - Compressed (*.tif)
Portable Network Graphics (*.png)
PDF (*.pdf)
Image (example: Microsoft® Paint) 3
The Scan to Image feature lets you scan an image directly into your graphics application for image editing.
To change the default settings, right-click the Image button, click ControlCenter Configuration and click the
Software Button tab.
If you want to scan and then crop a portion of a page after pre-scanning the document, check the Show
Scanner Interface box.
Change the other settings, if needed.
To change the destination application, choose the correct application from the Target Application drop-
down list. You can add an application to the list by clicking the Add button.