1. Adjust the paper guide to the mark
corresponding to the size of envelope
you are about to use.
2. Make sure the flap is closed, load the
envelope with the side to be printed
facing down, and the flap facing right.
3. Launch printing from your program after
setting the envelope in the printer.
Now set the items in “Printer Driver
Settings (for envelopes)” as shown below:
Printer Driver Settings (for envelopes)
Windows settings
Tab Item Setting
Paper/Output Paper Size Com-10
Same as Document Size (When the
documentation size is Com-10, Monarch, C5
or DL)
Reverse Print Turn on if necessary.
Duplex Print OFF
Pa p e r Tr ay M P Tr ay
Paper Type Envelope
Macintosh settings
Dialog Box Item Setting
Paper Settings Paper Size Com-10
Same as Document Size (When the
documentation size is Com-10, Monarch, C5
or DL)
Reverse Print Turn on if necessary.
Paper Tray Envelope
Duplex Print OFF
Printer Settings Paper Type MP Tray