
“EC” Declarat io n of Co nformity
Brother Industries Ltd.,
15-1, Naeshiro -cho, Mizuho-ku,
Nagoya 467-8561, Japan
Plant Plant
Brother Corporation (Asia) Ltd., Brother Industries Ltd.,
Brother Buji Nan Ling Factory, Kariya Plant,
Gold Garden ind., Nan Ling Village, 1-5, Kitajizoyama, Noda-cho,
Buji, Rong Gang, Shenzhen, China Kariya-shi, Aichi-ken 448-0803 Japan
Herewith declare tha t:
Product description : Laser Printer
Product Name : HL-7050, HL-7050N
are in conformity with provisio ns of the Directives applied : Low Voltage Directive
73/23/EEC (as amended by 93/68/EEC) and the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive
89/336/EEC (as amen de d by 91/26 3 /EE C and 92/31/EEC and 93/68/ EEC) .
Standards applie d :
Harmonized : Safety : EN60950:2000
EMC : EN55022:1998 Class B
EN61000-3-2:1995 + A1:1998 + A2:1998
Year in which CE marking was first affixed : 2002
Issued by : Brother Industries, Ltd.
Date : 28 March, 2002
Place : Nagoya, Japan
Signature :
Kazuhiro Dejima
Quality Audit Group
Quality Management Dept.
Information & Document Company