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Never miss another voicemail message
Take control with BT 1571 Text Alerts
If you’re away from your home phone you need never miss another BT 1571 voicemail message again. Simply sign up for free to BT 1571 Text Alerts and we’ll send a text message to your mobile phone
as soon as you receive new BT 1571 voicemail. Then just call home and the message will be relayed to your mobile.
Stay in contact wherever you are.
It’s free to sign up and text alerts are charged to the home phone number at standard rates. And remember, if you are on Option 2 or 3, this can be taken from your inclusive BT Text bundle.
It’s FREE to sign up. Simply call Freephone 0800 389 5660*
*BT will send a SMS message to your chosen mobile to confirm that we have carried out the instructions. Any valid UK mobile number can be nominated.
Please note that currently only one mobile can be linked to one mailbox. In order to retrieve messages remotely, you simply press the ✱ button during the greeting message. This service only works in the UK.
This service is only available if you already have a messaging mailbox. To order your FREE messaging mailbox, call BT on 1571.