This login prompt will appear.
The user name is admin.
The password is password, until
you change it.
Press OK when nished.
You’re now logged in. Bookmark
this page in your browser for
easy future access. For detailed
explanations of each menu and
setting, refer to your TeraStation
manual, available on your
TeraNavigator CD.
Click on the Basic button on the
left side.
Step 4: TeraStation Con guration Utility
Here on the Basic page, begin
by changing the name of your
TeraStation in the TeraStation
Hostname eld. A friendly,
easy-to-remember name is
recommended. The name cannot
contain any spaces or special
Enter a short description of your
TeraStation in the TeraStation
Description eld. You’ll then
see this description in Network
Make sure that the date and time are correct in Date and time
setup. To synchronize clock settings with your computer, press
Use Local time.
Press Apply at the bottom of the page when desired elds are