BUNN Espress™
Model ES•1A™
1.The use of a damp cloth rinsed in any mild, nonabrasive, liquid detergent is recommended for cleaning all surfaces on
2.Clean the gasket that seals the filter & the group head, located under the group head. Ground coffee buildup on this gasket will result in a bad seal of the filter holder, and will leak brewed coffee onto the outside of the filter holder when brewing. This is why it is important to wipe excess coffee off of the rim of the filter prior to insertion in the group head.
4.The drip tray is to be cleaned daily. Remove the grill and drip pan, wash them out thoroughly, and place them back into the brewer.
5.The steam wand must be cleaned after each use. Wipe with a damp cloth immediately after use. At the end of the day, run the steam wand for about 15 seconds to clean it out.
6.The group head is to be cleaned daily.
a.Unit needs to be heated to normal operating temperature. This provides very hot water that will do the best cleaning.
b.Install the “No hole” filter basket into a filter holder (porta filter).
c.Put a teaspoon of any espresso cleaner or automatic dishwasher detergent into the “No hole” filter basket.
d.Install the filter holder as if brewing espresso.
e.Press the continuous brew switch (does not pertain to
f.Allow the cycle to run for about 20 seconds.
g.Press the continuous brew switch to stop the brew cycle.
h.Repeat Step 5 except only allow the brew cycle to run for 10 seconds each time.
i.Repeat Step 6 until the water being discharged is clear. This may be viewed by noting the liquid that’s being discharged onto the drip tray.
j.Remove filter holder (porta filter) containing the “No hole” filter basket.
k.Rinse thoroughly by turning brew cycle on and off several times.
l.Repeat process for all groups.