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RECIPE: Set of brewing parameters stored in the brewer. The parameters are unique for each coffee name. Coffee
recipes include brew ounces, bypass percentages, pulse brew or pre-infusion and drip time.
RECIPE CARD: An assembly consisting of a computer chip and an instruction label. Used for loading a recipe
into the brewer and the companion DBC or MHG Grinder.
SANITATION MODE: If enabled, the brewer will display a message after a set amount of time indicating the ma-
chine needs cleaning and sanitizing.
STANDARD RECIPE: The preset recipes and recipe names stored in the brewer.
WARNING TIME (FRESHNESS TIMER): If the Freshness Timer is enabled, the length of time from when the brew
was completed until a “Freshness Alert” message will display, communicating that a fresh batch of product needs
to be brewed.
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