!Do not plug the unit in any outlet that does not have enough current to allow the device to function. Refer to the specifications in this manual for power level of the unit.
If this unit or its corresponding power adapter has had liquid spilled on or in it, do not attempt to use the unit.
Do not attempt to use this product in an outdoor environment as elements such as rain, snow, hail, etc. can damage the product.
!In case of a storm, it is recommended that you unplug this device from the outlet.
!Avoid placing this product next to objects that produce heat such as portable heaters, space heaters, or heating ducts.
Do not attempt to open this product and expose the internal circuitry. If you feel that the product is defective, unplug the unit and refer to the warranty information section of this manual.
©2009 Cables To Go. Microsoft and Vista are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. This product is not endorsed or manufactured by Microsoft Corporation.