Before loading the envelopes, flatten the stack of envelopes to release any remaining air,
and press the fold lines along the edges tight.
Do not print on the reverse side (glued side) of envelopes.
When loading the envelopes, load them so that the flap is toward the left of the printer
when viewed from the front.
(: Feeding direction)
Printing speed drops when printing envelops.
When printing envelopes, they may be creased.

Abbreviations of Paper Sizes

The following shows the abbreviations of paper sizes that are marked on the paper
Printable Area
The following shows the printable area of this printer. However, if you have selected
the [Print with Upper Left of Sheet as Starting Point] check box or [Expand Print
Region and Print] check box in the [Finishing Details] dialog box in the LIPS printer
driver, you can extend the printable area to near the edges of the paper. For more
details, see Help of the printer driver.
Paper Size Paper Guides
Legal LGL
Letter LTR
Executive EXEC