
RGB Histogram

RGB Histogram

zTo view an RGB histogram, press the o button in detailed information display. The RGB histogram shows the distribution of shades of red, green, and blue in an image. The horizontal axis represents R, G, or B brightness, and the vertical axis, how much of the image is at that level of brightness. Viewing this histogram enables you to check image color characteristics.

zPress the obutton again to return to detailed information display.

Still Images

Checking the Focus

To check the focus of your shots, you can magnify the area of the image that was in the AF frame at the time of shooting.

Access Focus Check.

z Press the pbutton (p. 138).

XA white frame is displayed where the AF frame was when the focus was set.

XGray frames are displayed over faces detected later, in Playback mode.

XThe portion of the image in the orange frame is magnified.

Switch frames.

zMove the zoom lever toward konce. XThe screen at left is displayed.

zTo switch to a different frame when there are multiple frames, press the mbutton.