Shooting Super Slow Motion Movies

Playback Speeds and Estimated Playback Times (for 1 Min. Clips)


Playback Time


Approx. 12 sec.


Approx. 6 sec.


Approx. 3 sec.

The image quality will be fixed at when an aspect ratio of is

chosen, and when an aspect ratio of is chosen (p. 90).

If you touch in Step 2, the frame will switch to vertical orientation and you can change the area to keep in focus by touching the screen. Touch again to return the frame orientation to horizontal.

Holding the camera vertically will change the orientation of the frame.

Since you may not achieve the expected results depending on the shooting conditions, try taking some test shots first.

Shooting Super Slow Motion Movies

You can shoot fast moving subjects and play them back in slow motion. Audio will not be recorded.

Choose .

zFollow Steps 1 – 2 on p. 64 to choose .

Choose a frame rate.

zAfter touching ø, drag the menu

appearing on the left side of the screen up

or down to choose , then touch the menu item again.

zChoose a frame rate (the number of frames per second), then touch the menu item again.