Specific Shutter Speeds and Aperture Values (<M> Mode)
• <D>: Manual
• Calculation of standard exposure is based on the specified metering method (=95).
Still Images

Choose from the three flash levels in <D> mode.
1Enter <D> mode. zzSet the mode dial to <D>.
2Configure the setting.
zzPress the <m> button, choose [X] in the menu, and adjust the setting by either pressing the <q><r> buttons or turning the <5> dial (=46).
XXOnce the setting is complete, [X] is displayed.
• You can also set the flash level by accessing <n> (=47) and choosing [Flash Output] in [Flash Settings] on the [4] tab.
•You can set the flash level in <M> or <B> mode by accessing <n> (=47), choosing [Flash Settings] on the [4] tab, and then setting [Flash Mode] to [Manual].
•You can also access the [Flash Settings] <n> screen as follows.
-When the flash is up, press the <r> button and immediately press the <n> button.