Specify destination.
01/01/2012 12:52AM
RX Mode: Auto
Resolution: 200 x 1

Switch between Copy and Fax Mode

Switch to Copy or Fax mode  rst to use each mode.
To specify how long the machine waits before returning to standby mode:
Press [ ] (Menu) <Timer Settings> <Auto Reset Time> Specify the time [OK].
Press the key to switch between
the Copy and Fax modes.

Fax Mode

Displays the recipient’s number.
To change the settings:
1. Press [] or [] to highlight an item, and
then press [OK].
2. Press [], [], [] or [] to specify the
values, and then press [OK].
Copy: Press Start
100% LTR
Density: 0
Original Type: Text
2-Sided: Off

Copy Mode

Displays the copy ratio, paper source,
paper size, and number of copies.
To change the settings:
1. Press [] or [] to highlight an item, and
then press [OK].
2. Press [], [], [] or [] to specify the
values, and then press [OK].
If you do not operate the machine for a while, the machine
returns to the Fax mode (standby mode) automatically.