
Still images : Large:

1600 x 1200 pixels




1024 x 768 pixels




640 x 480 pixels



: 320 x 240 pixels (Approx. 3 min.)



160 x 120 pixels (Approx. 3 min.)

Replay Modes

: Single image replay/index replay (9 thumbnails)/

zoomed view (LCD monitor zooms images up to maximum of approx. 10)/ auto play / sound memos (up to 60 sec.) / Image output to Card Photo Printer CP-100/CP-10 and Bubble Jet Printer with the direct print function

Display languages : English, Deutsch, Français, Nederlands, Dansk, Suomi, Italiano, Norsk, Svenska, Español, Chinese or Japanese (depending on the region)

My Camera Settings : The Start-up image, Start-up Sound, Shutter

(customizing)Sound, Operation Sound and Selftimer Sound can be customized using the following methods.

1.Using the images and sounds recorded on the camera.

2.Using downloaded data from your computer using the supplied software.


: Universal Serial Bus (USB) (mini-B), Audio/Video


Output (NTSC or PAL selectable, monaural audio)



Power Source

: Four AA alkaline batteries (included)


Four AA rechargeable NiMH batteries (optional)


AC Adapter Kit ACK600 (optional)




: 0 – 40 °C (32 – 104 °F)




Operating Humidity : 10 – 90 %




: 101.0 64.0 31.5 mm (4.0 2.5 1.2 in.)

(w h d)

(excluding protrusions)



: Approx. 215 g (7.6 oz.)


(excluding batteries and CF card)



*1 This digital camera supports Exif 2.2 (also called “Exif Print”). Exif Print is a standard for enhancing the communication between digital cameras and printers. By connecting to an Exif Print-compliant printer, the camera’s image data at the time of shooting is used and optimized, yielding extremely high quality prints.


*2 This is the maximum recording time per movie clip for the optional


Canon FC-256MH CF card (not sold in some regions).