AccessManagement System Screen
Card Reader
imageWAREEnterprise Management Console
…and for administrators
The ColorimageRUNNER C5185 Series includes features that
control useraccess and privileges to the device, as well asthe
abilityto facilitate the management of one or many devices
throughoutyour enterprise.
Administratorshave a choice of methods to control access
and privilegesto the Color imageRUNNER C5185 Seriesdevices.
Authentication schemesinclude Single Sign-On (SSO) using
networkaccounts, Simple Device Log-In (SDL), and Department
IDMode with optional Control Card/Card Readersystem. Using
the AccessManagement System, administratorshave powerful
control overaccess to the ColorimageRUNNER C5185 Series and
itsfunctions for even greater security and cost control—atboth
the userand group levels.
Canon’simageWARE Enterprise Management Console (EMC)
isa Web-based utility that facilitates centralized management
ofnetworked devices. Built upon an extensible framework, it
enablesremote management of device settings, discovery of
new devicesusing automated tasks, and device error notifica-
tionsviae-mail. Administrators can also easily replicate settings
and AddressBooks across multiple devices through the Device
Information DeliveryFunction ( DIDF), as well as push-print
driversto PC-based desktop computers forrapid deployment.