Enhance yourdigital world with Color Universal Send
With Canon’sproprietary Universal Send technology, the Color
imageRUNNERC5185 Series enables you to distribute scanned
documentsto multiple network destinations—such as e-mail
and Internetfax addresses, local Mail Boxes, fax, networkfolders,
and documentmanagement systems—in one simple operation.
Quicklyand easily send documents to user addresses in a local
AddressBook, look up users from multiple LDAP servers on your
network, ormanually enter a destination. When Single Sign-On
(SSO) orSimple Device Log-in (SDL) authentication modesare
used, a new time-saving feature enablesyou to send documents
to yourselfin a single click.
ColorUniversal Send offers powerful options to mastercreation,
distribution, and archiving ofyour documents. Universal Send
PDFAdvanced Features (standard on the “i” model) provide
additional functionalitysuch as PDF High Compression, Trace
&Smooth PDF, and Searchable PDFmodes.
To reduce networkbandwidth requirements when sending
colordocuments, Canon’s proprietary PDF High Compression
Mode can significantlyreduce the size of PDF files. And with
Canon’sexclusive Trace & Smooth PDFfeature, text in PDF files
can be converted to outlinesfor sharper edges and increased
readability. The outline data can also be manipulated in
Adobe Illustrator®to create elementsfor other documents.
Afterscanning for PDF creation, the text is then embedded
within the file forextraction or keyword searches with the
Searchable PDFfeature. This allows you to easilyscan and
convertscanned documents into your electronic workflow.
Superior CommunicationUniversal Send
PDFHigh Compression Mode
Send Main Screen
Trace &Smooth PDF