
Shooting Various Movies


Shooting Super Slow Motion Movies

You can shoot fast-moving subjects for playback later in slow motion. Note that sound is not recorded.

Choose .

Follow step 1 on p. 78 and choose .

Choose a frame rate.

Press the mbutton, choose in the menu, and choose the desired frame rate (p. 41).

XThe option you configured is now displayed.


Press the movie button.

XA bar showing the elapsed time is displayed. Maximum clip length is approx. 30 sec.

To stop movie recording, press the movie button again.

Frame Rate

Image Quality

Playback Time


(For a 30 sec. Clip)





240 fps


Approx. 4 min.






120 fps


Approx. 2 min.










Zooming is not available during recording, even if you press the zoom


Focus, exposure, and color are determined when you press the movie button.