Character height is defined in points: one point is 1/72 of an inch.
PortraitA vertical print orientation. Text and graphics are printed across the shorter axis of the page.
Print jobA document that a Windows application has processed and sent to the Spooler to be added to the print queue or directly to the printer.
Print queueA list of files that are either waiting to be printed or are currently printing. Once a file has been printed, it is removed from the print queue.
Printer driverA program that controls how the computer and printer interact. The printer driver supplies Windows with information such as descriptions of fonts and features of the installed printer. When you print with the Canon Advanced Rater Printing system, you are using its printer driver.
Printers folderThe container in which your printer information is stored.
Progress barIn the Status Window or its icon, a horizontal bar that graphically indicates the percentage of the print job that has actually printed.
Properties dialog boxThe dialog box that contains information about a particular device, such as your printer.
Proportional spacingThe spacing of characters according to the width of each character. This variable spacing between each character closes up awkward space and makes text easier to read.
QueueA list of files that are either waiting to be printed or are currently printing. Once a file has been printed, it is removed from the print queue.
Random Access Memory (RAM)The working memory of the computer in which programs and data are temporarily stored while you use them. Resetting or shutting off the computer clears all information from RAM. Printing very complicated documents might require closing other running programs or adding more RAM to the computer. See also Physical RAM, Virtual memory.