Configuring the ISIS/TWAIN Driver

You can open the ISIS/TWAIN driver to configure scan conditions and settings when scanning documents with ISIS/TWAIN-compliant applications (such as CaptureOnTouch).

This section describes the layout and features of the ISIS/TWAIN driver.

Driver Layout and Features

The ISIS/TWAIN driver consists of the following four tabs.


For details on the setting screens, refer to Help for the ISIS/TWAIN driver. When you click [Help] in the driver, the Help dialog box for that tab appears.

[Basic] Tab

Configure the basic scan settings, such as the scanning mode, page size, resolution, and scanning side.

You can also click [Area] to specify the scanning area.


The Scanning Option drop-down list does not appear if the driver is opened from an ISIS-compliant application.

Saving Settings

You can save the scanning conditions as user preferences for future use.

Saving Scanning Conditions

Enter a name for the scanning conditions in the dialog box that appears when you click [Save] under the User Preference drop-down list in the [Basic] tab. When you want to use previously saved scanning conditions, select the name for the saved preferences from the User Preference drop-down list, and the conditions are applied.