Rating Scenes

Rating Scenes

You can rate story scenes immediately after recording them (038) or during playback. You can then select multiple scenes with the same rating, for example, in order to play back or copy only your favorite scenes.

Operating modes:


Rating Scenes from the List of Scenes

1Open the list of scenes of the story that contains the scenes you want to rate.

[b] [ Gallery] Bring the desired story to the front [Scene List]

2In the [Scene List] screen, drag your finger up/down to select the scene you want to rate.

3 Touch the orange box on the right to open the [Edit Scene] screen.

4 Touch the control button of the desired rating and touch [f] twice to return to the gallery.

Rating Scenes During Playback

1 Play back from the gallery the story that contains the scenes you want to rate.

2During playback of a scene you want to rate, pause the playback and rate the scene. Touch the screen [C]

3Open the [Rating] screen. [Edit] [Rating]

4 Touch the desired rating and then touch [a].

5Touch [A] to resume the playback and rate other scenes in the same way or touch [B] to return to the gallery.