g Searching Images (Index Display)

Displaying multiple images at a time lets you quickly find the image you want.

Move the zoom lever toward g.

Images will display in an index. The selected image will have a green frame and be enlarged.

Move the zoom lever toward g to increase the number of images. The number of images increases each time you move the lever.

Move the zoom lever toward k to reduce the number of images. The number of images will reduce each time you move the lever.

Change the displayed images.

If you move the zoom lever toward g again with the maximum number of images displayed on the screen, all images will display inside a green frame.

Press the qrbuttons to switch images by the displayed unit.

Move the zoom lever toward k to return to Index Display.

Select an image.

Press the opqr buttons in Index Display to select images.

Press the m button to display the selected image by itself.