To embed the recording date and time

The recording date and time will always be displayed on the converted scene.

[5] 8[Embed Date/Time] 8[On] 8[f] 8[f]

To select the bit rate

Using a higher bit rate will result in better video quality for the converted scenes, while a lower bit rate will result in smaller file sizes and faster uploads.

[5] 8[Bit Rate (Quality)] 8Desired option 8[f] 8 [f]

To convert only part of a scene

Instead of steps 4 and 5 above, touch on the scene you want to convert to start playing it back. Pause the playback at the point where you want the conversion to begin and continue with step 6.


When converting scenes in the [Playlist] or [Video Snapshot] [Original]/ [Playlist] index screen:

-The scenes are converted with the selected background music (086) instead of the original sound.

When converting scenes in the [Playlist]:

-All the scenes are merged into one converted scene.

-If the converted scene is too large, it will be split into smaller 10- minute long scenes.

-When converting only part of a scene, the maximum length of the converted scene will be 10 minutes from the starting (playback pause) point.

-The playlist cannot be converted when its total playback time exceeds 2 hours and 30 minutes.

The time required to convert scenes is approximately equal to the total playback time of the converted scenes. In most cases this is still faster than converting the scenes in the computer so we recommend you convert scenes in the camcorder.

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