Replaying 93
Magnifying Images
In single image replay, the displayed image can be shown magnified by an
approximate factor of 2.5 or 5 for PowerShot S30 and 3 or 6 for PowerShot S40.

Slide the power/replay lever to the right.


Slide the zoom lever toward .

• The display cycles to the next magnification mode each time you slide the
zoom lever toward .
• You can move around the magnified image using B, A, C or D on the

Reducing the size of the enlarged image until it displays in its original size


Slide the zoom lever toward .

• The most magnified image is reduced to 2.5 times the original size for
PowerShot S30 and 3 times the original size for PowerShot S40 by sliding
the zoom lever toward . Sliding the zoom lever toward again reduces
the image to its original size.
approximately 3 times
(PowerShot S40)
• Movie frames and index replayed images cannot be magnified.
• If the camera is protected by Digital Camera Waterproof Case WP-DC300, you
cannot move the magnified area using C or D on the multicontroller.
• You can magnify an image while it is displayed on the LCD monitor in Shooting
mode immediately after the image is shot (p. 46).
approximately 6 times
(PowerShot S40)