Creating, scaling and moving Video Windows
Once you have chosen a location and chosen a zone, you are ready to view one or more
cameras in that zone. Camera thumbnail images are used to create Video Windows in the
Viewing Area. The Viewing Area can support multiple Video Windows for live monitoring
and viewing recorded video simultaneously.
Click and drag a camera thumbnail onto the Viewing Area
Move your mouse pointer over a
thumbnail. A tooltip will indicate the
Location, Zone and camera name.
Click the thumbnail image and, while
holding down the mouse button, drag
its boundary anywhere onto the
Viewing Area (the thumbnail becomes
an outline which is re-sized when you
drag it over the Viewing Area).
Release the mouse button. The
re-sized outline becomes a live Video
Basic Video Window Functions
An error message will appear in the Video
Window if there is a connection problem.
Refer to the Troubleshooting Appendix at
the back of the manual, or see your System
Administrator for configuring cameras and
Camera Servers.
When placed, the Video Window
is re-sized and re-positioned
according to the selected layout
grid (discussed on page 119).
A selected Video Window is