Configure Motion and Sensor Settings
If continuous and motion detection recording are both set and the
frame rate is the same, motion will be recorded as events in the
usual way. This can be handy for follow-up browsing using the
Timeline in the Viewing Screen even though the motion does not
change the recording settings.
Set the Sensitivity
The available sensitivity settings range from 1 to
256. You can select either Low-Med or Med
High sensitivity ranges for finer control.
Click the Low radio button to set the
sensitivity range from 1 to 128, or,
Click the High radio button to set the
sensitivity range from 129 to 256.
Adjust Sensitivity by clicking and dragging the slide bar to a suitable level between
Low and Med, or Med and High (depending on the range setting).
Set the Area Ratio
Click and drag the Area Ratio slide bar to any
position from 0% to 100%. This establishes the
proportion of image inside the Active Region
(dotted frame) allowed before motion is detected.
When you drag the slide bar, the black vertical line in the Detection
Indicator will move to reflect the change in specified Area Ratio.
Set the Duration
Click and drag the Duration slide bar to any
position between 0.0 and 5.0 seconds. This
establishes the duration of motion allowed
before an event is triggered. It also establishes
the period where there is no motion in order for the event to be completed.
Step 4: Set the event priority status
In the Priority for this Event field, select the
priority for the event to be generated for this
motion from a menu of five options, ranging
from 1. Highest to 5. Lowest. Priorities are
color-coded as events in the Timeline.