Record Now button
(P. 196)
A manual recording
with duration of one
minute is initiated.
Capture Still Frame
button (P. 196)
Click to keep the
current image on a
Video Window.

Viewer Operation Flow

Location selector (P. 177)
Drop-down menu indicating
locations available in the system.
Zone selector (P. 177)
Drop-down menu indicating
zones within a location.
Camera Control Panel
(P. 185)
The Camera Control Panel
enables you to control a
camera and quickly determine
a camera position.
Event indicator (P. 183)
A color bar is displayed at the
top of live Video Windows
when an event occurs (if
Viewing Area for Video
Windows (P. 154)
The Video Windows are
arranged here. Video Windows
can be re-sized.
They can also be arranged into
a uniform grid.
Playback controls (P. 194)
Click the VCR-like controls to
play, rewind, fast forward or
jump to previous and next
Timeline (P. 194)
Paste date and time as well as events which
occurred are displayed here. Events are displayed
as bars colored according to the priority. Click and
drag the Time bar to go back or forwards in time.
Camera Server (P. 192)
Name of the Camera Server
currently selected.
Menu bar
Access common menus
from here.
Timeline control (P. 192)
Scroll forwards through the
current day or jump forward
incrementally by day or
Video Window (P. 178)
Recorded videos and live
videos are displayed in these