Throws and Throw Escapes Focus AttACk
When standing close to your opponent, pressing the light punch and light kick buttons simultaneously allows you to throw your opponent.You can change the direction you throw the opponent by pressing the left or right directional buttons.You can prevent yourself from being thrown by pressing light punch and light kick together when your opponent begins to throw you.This is called a "throw escape."
*Some characters can also perform a throw when jumping (aerial throw), or special move throws (command throws).Throw escapes cannot be performed against aerial or command throws.
Throw Escape
Close to | Light When |
opponent | grabbed by |
| opponent |
Performing a Focus AtTACk
Press and hold the Medium Punch and Medium Kick buttons together to charge up a Focus Attack.To perform a full strength Focus Attack, hold the buttons until the attack is unleashed automatically. If you release the buttons while charging, the Focus Attack will come out sooner, but weaker.
Hyper Armor During a Focus AtTACk
You can absorb up to one enemy attack in the
When your opponent's attacks have knocked your character to the ground, you can press the down directional button twice or any two attack buttons simultaneously the instant that you hit the dirt to perform a quick recovery. A successful recovery will reduce the amount of time spent prone on the ground and make it easier to respond to the next incoming attack.
* Some attacks, such as throws, do not |
Just Before
or Together
time between pressing the Medium Punch / Medium Kick buttons and the Focus Attack being performed.You can then go on to counter by performing the attack.
*This method is not effective when your opponent uses an attack with the "Armor Break" property.
allow a recovery to be performed after |
them. |
Recovers over time! | Take further damage |
| and it vanishes! |
Personal Action
While standing, you can press the heavy punch and heavy kick buttons together to make your character perform a personal action and taunt your opponent.This action in and of itself has no special properties.
Absorb an opponent's attack and, rather than take direct damage, a section of your vitality gauge will change color, and will regenerate over time. This damage will recover as time passes, but if you are hit again before it finishes recovering, the remaining section will vanish and can no longer be recovered.
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