Table9 – RTU Ope n Controller Inputs and Outputs
SpaceTemp / Zone Temp zone_temp AI(10K Thermistor) J2 0 --- 1, 2
SupplyAir Temperature sa_temp AI(10K Thermistor) J2 ---1 , 2
Outdoor Air Temperature oa_temp AI(10K Thermistor) J2 --- 3, 4
SpaceTemperature Offset Pot stpt_adj_offset AI(100K Potentiometer) J 2 0 --- 3
SafetyChain Feedback safety_status DI(24 VAC) J1 --- 9
Compressor Safety Status comp_sta tus DI(24 VAC) J1--- 2
FireShutdown Status firedown_status DI (24 VAC) J 1--- 1 0
EnthalpyStatus enthalpy_status DI (24 VAC) J2 --- 6
HumidistatInput Status humstat_status DI (24 VAC) J5 --- 7
IndoorAir C O2 iaq AI (4 --- 20 ma )
J4 --- 2 o r J4 ---5OutdoorAir CO2 oaq AI (4 --- 20 ma )
SpaceR elative Humidity space_ rh AI ( 4 ---2 0 ma )
Supply Fan Status* sfan_status DI(24 VAC)
J5 --- 1 o r J 5 --- 3 o r
FilterStatus* filter_status DI (24 VAC)
DoorContact Input* door_contact_status DI (24 VAC)
Occupancy Contact* occ_contact_status DI (2 4 VAC)
EconomizerO utput econ_output AO ( 4 --- 20 m a ) J 2 --- 5
SupplyFanRelayState sfan DORelay (24VAC , 1A) J1 ---4
Compressor 1 Relay State comp_1 DO Relay (24VAC , 1A) J1--- 8
Compressor 2 Relay State comp_2 DO Relay (24VAC , 1A) J1--- 7
HeatStage 1 Relay State heat_1 DORelay (24VAC , 1A) J1 ---6
HeatStage 2 Relay State heat_2 DORelay (24VAC , 1A) J1 ---5
PowerExh aust Relay State pexh DO Relay (24VAC , 1A) J 1 1 ---3
Dehumidification Relay State dehum DORelay (24VAC, 1A) J1 1 ---7 , 8
AI --- Ana l o g Inp u t
AO --- Ana l o g Out p u t
DI --- Dis c r e te In p u t
DO --- Discrete Outpu t
* Theseinputs (if insta lled) take the place of th e default input on the sp ecific channel accordin g to schematic.
Par al l e l pin s J5 --- 1 = J2 ---6, J5 --- 3 = J 1 --- 1 0 , J5 --- 5 = J 1 --- 2 are us ed fo r fie l d --- i ns t al l a ti on .
The RTU Open controller requires the use of a Carrier
space sensor. A standard thermostat cannot be used with
the RTU Open system.
Supply Air Temperature (SAT)Senso r —
On FIOP--equipped 48HC unit, the unit is supplied with a
supply--air temperature (SAT)sensor (33ZCSENSAT). This
sensor is a tubular probe type, approx 6--inches (12.7 mm) in
length. It is a nominal10 --k ohm thermistor.
The SATis factory--wired.The SAT probe is wire--tied to the
supply--air opening (on the horizontal opening end) in its
shipping position. Remove the sensor for installation.
Re--position the sensor in the flange of the supply--air
opening or in the supply air duct (as required by local
codes). Drill or punch a 1/2--in. hole in the flange or duct.
Use two field--supplied, self--drilling screws to secure the
sensor probe in a horizontal orientation. See Fig. 40.
OutdoorAir Temperature (OAT)Sensor —
The OATis factory --mounted in the EconoMi$er2 (FIOP or
accessory). It is a nominal 10k ohm thermistor attached to
an eyelet mounting ring.
EconoMi$er2 —
The RTU Open control is used with EconoMi$er2 (option
or accessory) for outdoor air management. The damper
position is controlled directly by the RTUOpen control;
EconoMi$er2 has no internal logic device.
Outdoor air management functions can be enhanced with
field--installationof these accessory controldevices:
Enthalpy control (outdoor air or differential sensors)
Space CO2sensor
Outdoor air CO2sensor
Field Connections
Field connections for accessory sensors and input devices
are made the RTU Open, at plugs J1, J2, J4, J5, J11 and
J20. All field control wiring that connects to the RTU
Open must be routed through the raceway built into the
corner post as shownin Fig. 31. The raceway provides the
UL required clearance between high-- and low--voltage
wiring. Pass the control wires through the hole provided in
the corner post, then feed the wires thorough the raceway