Step 12 — Install Accessories
Availableaccessories include:
Roof Curb
Thru--baseconnection kit (must be installed before unit
is set on curb)
Manual outside air damper
Two--Position motorizedoutside air damper
EconoMi$er IV (with control and integrated barometric
EconoMi$er2 (without control/for external signal and
integrated barometricrelief)
Power Exhaust
Differential dry--bulbsensor (EconoMi$er IV)
Outdoor enthalpy sensor
Differentialenthalpy sensor
Time Guard II compressor anti--cyclecontrol
Outdoor coil hail guard
Outdoor coil protector grille
Head pressure control
Programmablesetback thermostat
Electrical/Mechanical thermostat and subbase
Electric Heaters
Single Point kits
Thermostat/ Sensors
DDC interface (PremierLink)
Louvered hail guard
Phase monitor control
Refer to separate installation instructions forinformation
on installingthese accessories.
Pre--Startand Start--Up
This completes the mechanical installation of the unit.
Refer to the unit’s Service Manual for detailed Pre--Start
and Start--up instructions.