
Error Messages

Err CardFull

There is not enough room available on the memory

Delete some of the files on the memory card to make




















room for new data (page E-62).





Use a different memory card.






Err Card R/W

The memory card is damaged.

Use a different memory card.






Err Convert

There is not enough unused memory available to save

Delete some or all of the following user data from memory



recorded song data to a memory card as an SMF 0

to make room for new data.



format file.

Sampled sounds (page E-18),user rhythms (page E-44),





user songs (page E-29)







Err Exist

A sampled drum set sound cannot be copied (page

Delete the sampled sound that is currently assigned to



E-23)to a keyboard key because the key already has a


the key you are copying to (page E-23).



sampled sound assigned to it.

Copy the sampled sound to another key that does not






yet have a sampled sound assigned to it.







Err Format


The format of the memory card is not compatible

1. Format the memory card (page E-59).




with this Digital Piano.






The memory card is damaged.

2. Use a different memory card.




You are trying to use an SDXC card.

3. SDXC cards are not supported. Use an SD or SDHC






memory card.







Err Limit

The tone number you selected before starting sampling

Delete the one or more of the sampled sounds



already has the allowable maximum of eight sampled


currently assigned to the tone number (page E-23).



sounds assigned to it.

Select another tone number that has less than eight






sampled sounds currently assigned to it (page E-21).







Err Mem Full


There is not enough memory available to play back

Delete some or all of the following user data from memory




song data from a memory card.

to make room for new data.




There is not enough memory available for sampling

Sampled sounds (page E-18),user rhythms (page E-44),



user songs (page E-29)




or Auto Accompaniment editing.












Err No Card


The memory card is not set correctly in the card slot.

1. Remove the memory card and reinsert it correctly






(page E-59).




The memory card was removed part way through a

2. Never remove a memory card from the card slot while




card access operation.


a card access operation is in progress.






Err No Data

There is no data in the selected user area (tone,

Select a Digital Piano user area that contains data.



rhythm, song number, etc.)








Err No File

There is no folder named “MUSICDAT” on the memory

• Use a computer to create a folder named “MUSICDAT”





on the memory card (page E-61).





Format the memory card on the Digital Piano (page












Err NotSMF01

You are attempting to play back SMF Format 2 song

Playback of SMF Format 0 or 1 only is supported.












Err Protect


The memory card is write protected.

1. Adjust the memory card’s write protect switch to






enable data storage.




Sampled sounds (Tone Numbers 701 to 708) are

2. Unprotect one or more of the sampled sounds, which






will allow it to be overwritten or deleted.







Err ReadOnly

You are attempting to save a file using the same name

Save the new file to a different card or use another



as an existing read-only file.







Remove the read-only attribute of the exiting file on the






memory card and try again.





Use a different memory card.







Err SizeOver


The song data on the memory it too big to play back.

1. This Digital Piano can play back song data files with a






maximum size of about 320Kbytes.




Auto Accompaniment editing cannot be performed

2. Select a different accompaniment pattern or




because the accompaniment pattern or instrument


instrument parts.




part data is too large.










Err WrongDat


The data on the memory card is corrupted.





The data on the memory card is a type that is not






supported by this Digital Piano.









