1 - 4 Variable Data (VARS) Menu
kGRPH — Recalling Graph Functions
Selecting {GRPH} from the VARS menu displays the graph function recall menu.
P.156 • {Y}/{r} ... {rectangular coordinate or inequality function}/{polar coordinate function}
•{Xt}/{Yt} ... parametric graph function {Xt}/{Yt}
•{X} ... {X=constant graph function}
(Press these keys before inputting a value to specify a storage area.)
Example To recall and draw the graph for the rectangular coordinate function y = 2 x2 – 3, which is stored in storage area Y2
Use the following View Window parameters to draw the graph.
Xmin | = | Ymin | = | ||
Xmax | = | 5 | Ymax | = | 5 |
Xscale = | 1 | Yscale = | 1 |
!4(Sketch)5(GRPH)1(Y=) J4(GRPH)1(Y)cw
| k DYNA — Recalling Dynamic Graph Set Up Data |
| Selecting {DYNA} from the VARS menu displays the Dynamic Graph set up data |
| recall menu. |
P.185 | • {Strt}/{End}/{Pitch} ... {coefficient range start value}/{coefficient range end |
| value}/{coefficient value increment} |
kTABL — Recalling Table & Graph Set Up and Content Data
Selecting {TABL} from the VARS menu displays the Table & Graph set up and content data recall menu.
P.207 • {Strt}/{End}/{Pitch} ... {table range start value}/{table range end value}/{table value increment}
•{Reslt} ... {matrix of table contents}
•The Reslt item appears for function key 4only when the above menu is displayed in the RUN or PRGM Mode.