Using a Command to Specify the Calculation Result Format

Either of two special commands ('r or 'a+bi) can be input at the end of a calculation to specify the display format of the calculation results. The command overrides the calculator’s complex number format setting.

'2 + '2 i = 2 45, 2 45 = '2 + '2 i Bv


!2 e+!2 eW(i)12(CMPLX)3('r)=


2 1-() 45 12(CMPLX)4('a+bi)=

'2 +'2 i



Using CALC

CALC lets you save calculation expressions that contain variables, which you can then recall and execute in the COMP Mode (N1) and the CMPLX Mode (N2). The following describes the types of expressions you can save with CALC.

Expressions: 2X + 3Y, 2AX + 3BY + C, A + Bi

Multi-statements: X + Y : X (X + Y)

Equalities with a single variable on the left and an expression including variables on the right: A = B + C, Y = X2 + X + 3

(Use Ss(=) to input the equals sign of the equality.)

To store 3A + B and then substitute the following values to perform the calculation: (A, B) = (5, 10), (7, 20)


3 S-(A)+Se(B)



Prompts for input of a value for A

Current value of A


5 =10 =


s (or =)


7 =20 =

To exit CALC: A
