17.2 Message Structures
This Model's System Exclusive Messages is formed of the 13 fields shown below. Whether or not a particular
field is included in a message and the length of each field depends on the message.
The minimum unit for the length of each field is bytes. If two values are contained within the same
byte, they are separated by a slash (/).
The "act" field describes the action that the message performs. The meanings of the "index" and "data" fields
differ according to the content of the act field. The following describes each of the fields in detail.
17.2.1 1...SYSEX : System Exclusive message Status
System Exclusive message Status = F0H
17.2.2 2...MAN : Manufacturer's ID
CASIO Manufacturer's ID = 44H
17.2.3 3...MOD : Model ID
The Model ID of this Model is shown by two consecutive bytes (MSB, LSB).
(CTK-900/WK-3200/WK-3700 Model ID MSB = 11H, LSB = 02H)
17.2.4 4...dev : MIDI Device ID 00H through 1FH,7FH
The contents of this field in a received message are compared with the Model's MIDI Device ID, and receipt of
the incoming message is allowed only when the two IDs match. The default value for this field is 10H. When a
message containing 7FH is received, receipt of the message is always allowed, regardless of MIDI Device ID
MIDI Device ID is a Patch Parameter, and it can be changed with a System Exclusive Message. When changing
this setting, make the System Exclusive Message device ID 7FH.
17.2.5 5...act : Action
aaaB = Action (3bit)
This field indicates the operation of the System Exclusive Message.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
SYSEX MAN MOD dev act cat prm ilen/dlen ps index data sum EOX
Format: 11110000B
Format: 01000100B
Format: 00010001B (MSB) 00000010B(LSB)
Format: 0dddddddB
Format: 00000aaaB