Problem | Possible Cause | Action | See page |
Some parts stop playing at some | Playback exceeds the maximum po- | Use the Song Sequencer to decrease the | Page |
point during Sequencer play- | lyphony of the keyboard. | number of parts playing at the same |
back. |
| time by turning off channels. |
Some parts don’t play at all dur- | 1. The Mixer mode setting for the cor- | 1. Use the Mixer to make sure that | Page |
ing Sequencer playback. | responding channel is off or Exter- | channels are turned on. |
| nal/Solo. |
| 2. Volume or expression setting is too | 2. Use the Mixer to check the volume | Page |
| low. | or expression setting. |
Cannot record Auto Accompa- | Track other than Track 1 is selected as | Use the track select buttons to select | Pages |
niment or rhythm. | the recording track. Tracks 2 through | Track 1. |
| 6 are melody tracks. |
Nothing happens when the | 1. One or more of the melody channels | 1. Use the Mixer to turn on Channels | Page |
LAYER or SPLIT button is | (2 through 4) is turned off. | 2 through 4. |
pressed. | 2. The volume or expression setting of | 2. Use the Mixer to raise the volume | Page |
| one or more of the melody channels | or expression setting of Channels 2 |
| (2 through 4) is too low. | through 4. |
No sound is produced when | 1. MIDI cables are not connected prop- | 1. Connect MIDI cables properly. | Page |
playing MIDI data from a com- | erly. |
puter. | 2. Channel is turned off, or volume or | 2. Use the Mixer to turn the channel | Pages |
| expression setting is too low. | on, or raise the volume or expres- |
| sion setting. |
The bass notes of General MIDI | GM SYSTEM is turned off. | Turn on the GM SYSTEM. | Page |
data being played back by a |
computer are one octave too |
low. |
Playing on the keyboard pro- | The computer’s MIDI THRU function | Turn off the MIDI THRU function on | Page |
duces an unnatural sound when | is turned on. | the computer or turn off LOCAL CON- |
connected to a computer. |
| TROL on the keyboard. |
Cannot record chord accompa- | ACCOMP MIDI OUT is turned off. | Turn on ACCOMP MIDI OUT. | Page |
niment data on a computer. |
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