Celestron 93507 manual Adjusting the Tripod Height, Attaching the NexStar to the Tripod

Models: 93507

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Tripod Head

Central Column

Leg Support Bracket

Tension Knob

Leg Clamp

Figure 3-1

Adjusting the Tripod Height

The tripod that comes with your NexStar telescope is adjustable. To adjust the height at which the tripod stands:

1.Loosen the extension clamp on one of the tripod legs (see figure 3-1).

2.Extend the leg to the desired height.

3.Tighten the extension clamp to hold the leg in place.

4.Repeat this process for each of the remaining legs.

You can do this while the tripod legs are still folded together.

Remember that the higher the tripod legs are extended, the less stable it is. For casual observing, this may not pose a problem. However, if you plan on doing photography, the tripod should be set low

to ensure stability. A recommended height is to set the tripod in such a manner that you can look directly into the eyepiece on the telescope with a diagonal while seated.

Attaching the NexStar to the Tripod




















After the tripod is set up, you are now ready to attach the telescope. The









bottom of the NexStar base has three threaded holes that mount to the









tripod head and one hole in the center that goes over the positioning pin





on the tripod head.









Figure 3-2 Mounting the Telescope








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Celestron 93507 manual Adjusting the Tripod Height, Attaching the NexStar to the Tripod