Celestron 93507 manual Tour Mode, Direction Buttons, Rate Button

Models: 93507

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Tour Mode

The NexStar includes a tour feature which automatically allows the user to choose from a list of interesting objects based on the date and time in which you are observing. The automatic tour will display only those objects that are within your set filter limits (see Filter Limits in the Setup Procedures section of the manual). To activate the Tour mode, press the TOUR key (6) on the hand control. The NexStar will display the best objects to observe that are currently in the sky.

To see information and data about the displayed object, press the INFO key.

To slew to the object displayed, press ENTER.

To see the next tour object, press the Up key.

Direction Buttons

The NexStar has four direction buttons (3) in the center of the hand control which control the telescope's motion in altitude (up and down) and azimuth (left and right). The telescope can be controlled at nine different speed rates.

Rate Button

Pressing the RATE key (11) allows you to instantly change the speed rate of the motors from high speed slew rate to precise guiding rate or anywhere in between. Each rate corresponds to a number on the hand controller key pad. The number 9 is the fastest rate (3º per second, depending on power source) and is used for slewing between objects and locating alignment stars. The number 1 on the hand control is the slowest rate (.5x sidereal) and can be used for accurate centering of objects in the eyepiece and photographic guiding. To change the speed rate of the motors:

Press the RATE key on the hand control. The LCD will display the current speed rate.

Press the number on the hand control that corresponds to the desired speed. The number will appear in the upper-right corner of the LCD display to indicate that the rate has been changed.

The hand control has a "double button" feature that allows you to instantly speed up the motors without having to choose a speed rate. To use this feature, simply press the arrow button that corresponds to the direction that you want to move the telescope. While holding that button down, press the opposite directional button. This will increase the slew rate to the maximum slew rate.

When pressing the Up and Down arrow buttons in the slower slew rates (6 and lower) the motors will move the telescope in the opposite direction than the faster slew rates (7 thru 9). This is done so that an object will move in the appropriate direction when looking into the eyepiece (i.e. pressing the Up arrow button will move the star up in the field of view of the eyepiece). However, if any of the slower slew rates (rate 6 and below) are used to center an object in the finderscope, you may need to press the opposite directional button to make the telescope move in the correct direction.

1 = .5x*

2= 1x (sidereal)*

3= 4x

4= 8x

5= 16x

6 = 64x

7= .5º / sec

8= 2º / sec

9= 3º / sec

Nine available slew speeds

*Rate 1 and 2 are photographic guide rates and are meant to be used when the telescope is set up on a wedge in equatorial mode. These rates can be used while set up in altazimuth, however the actual speed rate may differ slightly.


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Celestron 93507 manual Tour Mode, Direction Buttons, Rate Button