OperationStand-Alone Mode (Sound-Active, Auto Mode, Easy Controller):
This mode allows a single unit to run to the beat of the music, or the unit will auto change in Auto
1) Press <MODE/ESC> until , , , or is displayed.
2) Use the <UP> and <DOWN> buttons to scroll through until the desired mode is displayed and
press the <ENTER> button. is auto mode; is sound-active,
is easy controller mode.
3) will be displayed when auto mode is selected; will be displayed when
sound-active mode is selected; will be displayed when easy controller mode is
4) The unit will react to the low frequencies of music via the internal microphone in Sound Active
mode, or the unit will auto change in Auto Mode.
Master/Slave Mode (Master Sound, Master Auto, Easy Controller):
This mode will allow you to link up to 32 units together without a controller.
1) Use standard DMX cables to daisy chain your units together via the DMX connector on the rear
of the units. For longer cable runs we suggest a terminator at the last fixture. For more
information about terminators, see page 10.
2) Choose a unit to function as the master. Press <MODE/ESC> until , ,
, or is displayed on the master unit.
3) Use the <UP> and <DOWN> buttons to scroll through until the desired mode is displayed and
press the <ENTER> button. is auto mode; is sound-active,
is easy controller mode.
4) will be displayed when auto mode is selected; will be displayed when
sound-active mode is selected, will be displayed when easy controller mode is
4) Press <MODE/ESC> until , , , or is displayed
on the slave units. Use the <UP> and <DOWN> buttons to scroll through until is
displayed and press the <ENTER> button.
5) will be displayed when slave mode is selected.
Easy Controller Settings


Stand By Blacks out the unit.
Function First click: strobe on. Second click: strobe off.
Mode First click: sound-active mode (LED will be on). Second click: auto mode (LED will be
Intimidator Spot 2.0 HTI Manual 17 2007-01-24/09:36