Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide—Release 12.1 E
Local SPAN and RSPAN Guidelines and Restrictions 6
VSPAN Guidelines and Restrictions 7
RSPAN Guidelines and Restrictions 7
Configuring Local SPAN and RSPAN 8
Local SPAN and RSPAN Configuration Overview 8
Configuring RSPAN VLANs 9
Configuring Local or RSPAN Sources 9
Monitoring Specific Source VLANs on a Source Trunk Port 10
Configuring Local SPAN and RSPAN Destinations 10
Verifying the Configuration 12
Configuration Examples 13
35 Configuring Web Cache Services Using WCCP 1
Understanding WCCP 2
WCCP Overview 2
Hardware Acceleration 2
Understanding WCCPv1 Configuration 3
Understanding WCCPv2 Configuration 4
WCCPv2 Features 5
Restrictions for WCCPv2 7
Configuring WCCP 7
Specifying a Version of WCCP 7
Configuring a Service Group Using WCCPv2 8
Excluding Traffic on a Specific Interface from Redirection 9
Registering a Router to a Multicast Address 10
Using Access Lists for a WCCP Service Group 10
Setting a Password for a Router and Cache Engines 11
Verifying and Monitoring WCCP Configuration Settings 12
WCCP Configuration Examples 12
Changing the Version of WCCP on a Router Example 13
Performing a General WCCPv2 Configuration Example 13
Running a Web Cache Service Example 13
Running a Reverse Proxy Service Example 14
Registering a Router to a Multicast Address Example 14
Using Access Lists Example 14
Setting a Password for a Router and Cache Engines Example 15
Verifying WCCP Settings Example 15