Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide—Release 12.1 E
Chapter 36 Configuring SNMP IfIndex Persistence
Configuring SNMP IfIndex Persistence
Note To verify that ifIndex commands have been configured, use the more system:running-config command.
Enabling and Disabling SNMP IfIndex Persistence Globally
SNMP ifIndex persistence is disabled by default. To globally enableSNMP ifIndex persistence, perform
this task:
To globally disable SNMP ifIndex persistence after enabling it, perform this task:
Enabling and Disabling SNMP IfIndex Persistence on Specific Interfaces
To enable SNMP ifIndex persistence only on a specific interface, perform this task:
Note The no snmp ifindex persistence interface command cannot be used on subinterfaces. A command
applied to an interface is automatically applied to all the subinterfaces associated with that interface.
Command Purpose
Router(config)# snmp-server ifindex persist Globally enables SNMP ifIndex persistence.
Command Purpose
Router(config)# no snmp-server ifindex persist Globally disables SNMP ifIndex persistence.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Router(config)# interface {vlan vlan_ID} |
{type1 slot/port} | {port-channel
1. type = any supported interface type.
Selects an interface to configure.
Step 2 Router(config-if)# snmp ifindex persist Enables SNMP ifIndex persistence on the specified
Router(config-if)# no snmp ifindex persist Disables SNMP ifIndex persistence on the specified
Step 3 Router(config-if)# exit Exits interface configuration mode.