Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Chapter12 Configuring WDS, Fast Secure Roaming, Radio Management, and Wireless Intrusion Detection
Configuring WDS
Figure12-7 WDS Server Groups Page
Step10 Create a group of servers to be used for 802.1x authentication for the infrastructure devices (access
points) that use the WDS access point. Enter a group name in the Server Group Name field.
Step11 Select the primary server from the Priority 1 drop-down menu. (I f a server that you need to add to the
group does not appear in the Priority drop-down menus, click Define Servers to browse to the Server
Manager page. Configure the server there, and then return to the WDS Server Groups page.)
Note If you do not have an authentication server on your network, you can configure an access point
or an ISR as a local authentication server. See Chapter 9, “Configuring an Access Point as a
Local Authenticator,” for configuration instructions.
Step12 (Optional) Select backup servers from the Priority 2 and 3 drop-down menus.
Step13 Click Apply.