Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
IP subnet mask The number used to identify the IP subnetwork, indicating w hether the IP
address can be recognized on the LAN or if it must be reached through a
gateway. This number is expressed in a form similar to an IP address; for
isotropic An antenna that radiates its signal in a spherical pattern.
MAC Media Access Control address. A unique 48-bit number used in E thernet data
packets to identify an Ethernet device, such as an access point or your client
modulation Any of several techniques for combining user information with a transmitter’s
carrier signal.
multipath The echoes created as a radio signal bounces off of physical objects.
multicast packet A single data message (packet) sent to multiple addresses.
omni-directional This typically refers to a primarily circular antenna radiation pattern.
Frequency Division
Multiplex (OFDM)
A modulation technique used by IEEE 802.11a-compliant wireless LAN s for
transmission at 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, and 54 Mbps.
packet A basic message unit for communication across a network. A packet usually
includes routing information, data, and sometimes error detection information.
Quadruple Phase
Shift Keying
A modulation technique used by IEEE 802.11b-compliant wireless LANs f or
transmission at 2 Mbps.
range A linear measure of the distance that a transmitter can send a signal.
receiver sensitivity A measurement of the weakest signal a receiver can receive and still correctly
translate it into data.
RF Radio frequency. A generic term for radio-based technology.